Livestock Security
Easy to install livestock security systems. Designed to protect the animals that need it the most!

Offering The Industry’s Leading Perimeter Security Products
Protect your horses and livestock on the road with Security Safe’s Stall-Alarm Mobile Livestock Security. Designed by horse enthusiast Joe Peurrung, our easy-to-install mobile security system for horse trailer stalls is dependable, durable and tamper-proof. With over 20 years of experience in the security industry and an enduring love for horses, Joe’s expertise gives you the peace of mind you need to protect your horses from theft.
Joe designed the Stall-Alarm Mobile Livestock Security concept out of necessity. He and his family would definitely be characterized as “horse people,” competing in barrel racing events all over the southeastern U.S. and traveling nearly every weekend.
Throughout the family’s travels and various competitions, Joe became aware of the fact that at many large-scale events, prize horses were being stolen from the temporary trailer stalls where they were housed. In some cases, it may be many hours before the owners become aware that one (or more) of their horses is missing — by which time the thieves are long gone.

Concerned about the safety of his own horses, Joe decided to proactively create a solution to this ever-increasing problem. He collaborated with his senior technical staff members to create the prototype Stall-Alarm system. Joe carried the new alarm to every event in which his family participated and used it to protect their four horses. After a period of evaluation, some of the design aspects were refined to make the system sturdier and easier to install.
Today, Joe’s Stall-Alarm System, gives all horse lovers a tool to ensure the safety of their animals, no matter where you travel.